Longleaf Pine Forest - Photo Margery Bouris
Interviews for the Chattahoochee River underwent a second round ending April 28, 2009. To date they include:
Sally Bethea - Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
Bill Eisenhauer - community activist Atlanta
Jerry Stober - formerly of the EPA Region 4
James Hathorn - US Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile
Bruce Morton - West Atlanta Watershed Alliance
Na'Taki Osborne - West Atlanta Watershed Alliance and NWF
Sherril Marcus - civil rights and environmental justice advocate
Jim Kulstad - Common Cause Georgia
Jenny Hoffner - American Rivers
Howard Marshall - formerly of the EPA Region 4
Jacqueline Echols - EJ advocate
Ron Warnken - National Wildlife Federation
Mark Williams - US ACE Lake Lanier
Melissa Samet - American Rivers
Aris Georgakakos - Georgia Water Resources (pending)
Return to Georgia is planned for spring, 2010. Meanwhile, interviews may be carried out by telephone. Please email Diana Hartel diana.hartel {at} gmail.com for further information.