Interviews for the Mid to Upper Mississippi are on-going. Due to schedule delays in other parts of the country, time in the St. Louis area was cut short. Interviews will continue late spring and early summer 2010. Environmental Justice advocates for East St. Louis are especially needed at this point. Another area of interest is the long-term history of the Corps of Engineers on the Upper Mississippi.
Interviews to date include:
Calvin Fremling - author Immortal River
Rip Sparks - National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
David Conrad - National Wildlife Federation
Bruce Hannon - Prof. Emeritus of Southern Illinois University
Ken Lubinski - USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Mark Van Patten - Missouri Stream Team
David Wilson - East West Gateway Council of Governments
Ron Colemen - Open Space Council St. Louis
Bob Williams - SIUE retired Rivers Project & Clean Water Celebration
Ron Yarbrough - formerly St.Louis District USACE contractor
Harry Hendrickson - retired IL Science Teachers Association
Claire Schosser - River Des Peres Watershed Coalition
Danelle Haake - River Des Peres Watershed Coalition
Chad Pregracke - founder Living Lands and Waters
Jeff Barrow - Missouri River Relief
Vicki Richmond - Missouri River Relief
Kristian Gustavson - Below the Surface
Annie Hoagland - survey, Great Rivers Land Trust
Ben Griffiths - survey, New City Kids
Kathy Andria - interview pending
There are other interviews, partial or as background surveys and literature. All are greatly appreciated.
If you know or have heard of someone whose work made an important contribution to the Upper Mississippi, please contact:
Diana Hartel diana.hartel {at} gmail.com
Doug Meyer at SIUE domeyer {at} siue.edu